Stop being too busy !

WARNING this may seem like a rant but i am guilty too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooo busy , I say it myself but do you know what I think I am going to put a ban on this phrase, to me it’s an excuse not to make an effort.  Wake up smell the coffee life is precious we don’t have long on this planet and instead of spending time with those close we get lazy, we make excuses as to why we don’t meet up for that coffee or go out for that night out.    I’ve witnessed a few large funerals this year and I was blown away at the way people make an effort to attend, I think its more important to be there when people are ALIVE!

A random text can really brighten up someone’s day it can stop them feeling isolated and alone.  Yes just 1 text has the power to cheer someone up.  On Friday I got a text out of the blue from a very dear friend whom I had not heard from for a while, it meant so much to me.  It made me feel like she paused and thought about me.  We are going to meet up for a coffee and chat soon and do you know what I know for a fact we will have a great time.

There are times when I have taken it personally when I haven’t been invited to things or if I’ve tried to make plans and people haven’t accepted my invites I’ve definitely felt hurt.  Sometimes the reason behind this is that people can’t be bothered to make an effort but sadly sometimes it’s because they are in a bad place.  It kills me to think of someone I care about retreating into sadness.  I know life gets in the way but I think selfishness does also, it doesn’t hurt to meet someone for a chat but as adults we seem to procrastinate on things like this.   Ask yourself do you make an effort with people, do you think people make an effort with you?  Do you feel lonely ? Have you reached out to someone lately or are you waiting for them?  Pick up the phone NOW and text someone it might really make their day.

Since having Rhys there is one lesson I really wanted to teach him and that is to care for other people.  When he was younger and having birthday parties I was never into “the click” nor did I want to be a part of creating one I actually hate that stupid phrase,  I always invited every child to teach my son that it’s not nice to leave people out, stuff like that is bred from a young age.  When he feels left out I often sit back and think to myself well things like this happens in adult life also and it doesn’t get any easier.   The amount of times I have spoken with both male and female friends who were hurt because people didn’t contact them or made them feel unwelcome.  I guess if that is adult behaviour what hope do poor kids have to behave any better.

What am I trying to say today – well I am trying to say BE NICE, value your friends, stop always being too busy to take a bit of time out, you never know whats around the corner and when its too late to spend time with people whats the one thing we look back on “the good old times” the nights out, the laughs, the memories, you can’t have any of those things without making an effort.

Pick up your phone, contact that someone that you have been “too busy” to call you never know it may just make their day.

” I seen a quote today that is responsible for this post !!!”

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